
Healthcare Technology Solutions

The Value of Configurable Technology Solutions

Health care organizations that manage care and promote care coordination are uniquely designed to meet the challenges of the populations they serve.  And, while there are national, state and regional standards that they are required to meet, these organizations must also be nimble in order to coordinate care across the continuum of physical, behavioral, and social care providers.  These organizations require technology platforms that seamlessly support their operations over time.

Health care technology platforms are generally designed to be either customized or configurable.  The key difference is the ability of users to make changes to the platform to accommodate the changing needs of the organization.  For example:

Customized systems are designed to integrate an organization’s operations into the technology platform.  Over time, changes can be made and usually result in additional costs and structural limitations.

Configurable solutions are designed to accommodate the changing needs of their users.  These technology platforms are built to support an organization’s operations and allow ongoing tailoring of the system to meet the evolving needs of their member populations.  Configurable solutions support a learning organization’s needs for rapid modification of the system to accommodate continuous operational improvement.

As organizations grow and reimagine the coordination and management of care, the selection and deployment of technology platforms that support operations are key.  Configurable solutions foster the role of organizations to grow and evolve with the needs of their members and constituent contracts.  Some examples of the advantages of configurable solutions include:

Care Coordination and Management – The coordination and management of care requires learning based organizations that can grow and adapt to the needs of the populations they serve. Workflows of care coordination and management staff are generally not static, and as the needs of the population and the organization evolve, modifications to technology platforms are required.  A configurable technology solution supports the ability of an organization to grow and adapt their systems to new person-centered care processes and goals. With a configurable solution, organizations can modify, update and redesign workflows in real time to accommodate their evolving priorities and challenges.

Quality Improvement and Compliance –  Organizations that coordinate and manage care must adhere to compliance and accountability standards.  This requires an ongoing commitment to quality improvement activities across the organization and reporting both standard and custom metrics.  Technology solutions must be able to accommodate evolving standards and expanding quality initiatives.  Configurable technology solutions allow organizations to have control over their software platforms and make the necessary adjustments to accommodate these ever-changing needs.

Operations and Communications – Organizational challenges regularly require operational adaptation.  Technology solutions are essential resources to address limitations in human resources.  And, the automation of tasks and workflows can expedite solutions and reduce the staff burden.  Technology solutions that are configurable promote organizational efficiency as routine and custom tasks and communications are automated.  This includes the ability to grow and change the resources that the platform can accommodate.  Streamlining tasks and workflows reduces organizational waste and the unnecessary over utilization of human resources.

InfoMC provides configurable technology solutions for care coordination and management organizations.  Providing tools that these organizations can tailor and adapt to their changing needs and requirements promotes efficiency, growth, and financial well-being.  As health care systems continue to grow and transform, technology solutions must be able to support these needs and provide actionable solutions rather than operational barriers.  This is accomplished through configurable technology solutions such as those provided by InfoMC.


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